ESP-r is an integrated energy modelling tool for the simulation of the thermal, visual and acoustic performance of buildings and the energy use and gaseous emissions associated with environmental control systems.
![]() | Note |
Using ESP-r in the BCVTB requires advanced ESP-r knowledge and skills. A BCVTB user that is new to ESP-r should first learn to use ESP-r before attempting to use ESP-r in BCVTB. A good starting point for learning is the ESP-r Cookbook. |
ESP-r with the BCVTB functionality is not available in the standard precompiled ESP-r versions, but it can be downloaded from the subversion repository branch 'ESP-r_BCVTB' and installed using
svn checkout cd ESP-r_BCVTB/src sudo ./Install -d /usr/local
To run the examples, only the module bps
needs to be compiled,
together with the training files and databases.
You will also need to add ESP-r's binary directory to your path variable, which may be done by adding the line
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/esp-r/bin
to your ~/.bashrc
file and restarting the bash shell.
![]() | Note |
The ESP-r interface and examples have only been tested on Linux and Mac OS X. |
This example is available in the directory examples/esprMatlab-hvac
It demonstrates heating control of an ESP-r building model
with control logic implemented in MATLAB. Please refer to
Section 5.5, “MATLAB” for how to configure MATLAB.
The control logic represents a PID controller for two zones in the building. The room temperature is sensed, and sent from ESP-r to MATLAB. The control algorithm in MATLAB computes the required heating power, and sends this back to ESP-r.
To exchange sensor and actuator values with the BCVTB, first
define the sensor and actuator locations as you would normally do in ESP-r.
This results in a typical ESP-r control file, see the example control
file esp-r/ctl/bld_basic.ctl
. The next step is to
configure the BCVTB coupling in the file esp-r/ctl/bld_basic.ctl
This is done under the
heading in the control file of which a snippet is
shown in Figure 5.26.
The BCVTBflag
indicates the specific BCVTB application
(0 = no BCVTB coupling, 1 = basic ESP-r controller, 2 = advanced optics control).
The three lines below this flag are used to control which sensor and actuators
are coupled to the BCVTB (based on their ESP-r zone numbers) and to set
the initial sensor values. Note that it is not necessary to couple
all sensors and actuators. If an actuator is not coupled, then the ESP-r
control logic as defined in the .ctl
file will be used.
Figure 5.26. Snippet of the ESP-r input file that shows the configuration of the BCVTB interface.
* BCVTB # The BCVTBflag indicates the specific BCVTB application: # 0 = no BCVTB coupling, 1 = basic esp-r controller, 2 = advanced optics control 1 # BCVTBflag 1 2 # Define which zones' sensor values to send 15 15 # Define initial sensor values 1 2 # Define which zones' actuator values to overwrite
The BCVTB starts EPS-r in text-mode by running
the shell script esp-r/bcvtb/call_espr
. This file can be configured as follows:
1 #!/bin/sh ######################################################### # # Script that is called by the BCVTB to run ESP-r. 5 # ######################################################### BCVTBpath=.. ESPR_PATH=`which bps` 10 # Check wether ESP-r is installed and on the PATH if [ "${ESPR_PATH}x" == "x" ]; then echo "Error: Did not find ESP-r executable 'bps'." echo " ESP-r directory must be on the PATH variable." exit 1 15 fi rm -f ${BCVTBpath}/resfile.res rm -f ${BCVTBpath}/output.txt.par rm -f ${BCVTBpath}/output.txt 20 bps -file ${BCVTBpath}/cfg/bld_basic_BCVTB.cfg -mode text <<ABC c ${BCVTBpath}/resfile.res 25 8 2 # start date dd/mm 10 2 # end date dd/mm 2 # startup days 12 # timesteps per hour n 30 s y 35 BCVTB1_heating_example y y 40 - - ABC exiVal=$? if [ $exiVal != 0 ]; then 45 echo "Error: ESP-r program 'bps' failed with exit code $exiVal'." exit $exiVal fi res -file ${BCVTBpath}/resfile.res -mode text <<BCD 50 d # enquire about > a ../output.txt 55 results - d f d # hours below a value 60 b # temperature a # zones 21 # setpoint - c # hours above a value 65 b # temperature a # zones 24 # setpoint - - 70 - BCD exiVal=$? if [ $exiVal != 0 ]; then echo "Error: ESP-r program 'res' failed with exit code $exiVal'." 75 exit $exiVal fi exit 0
Lines 25-28 of the shell script controls the simulation start and stop days,
number of startup days, and number of time-steps per hour.
If you change these settings, you need to change the simulation control
parameters in the BCVTB system.xml
and the Matlab .m
file accordingly.
This example is available in the directory examples/espr-shading
In this example, a shading controller is implemented in ESP-r.
The solar shading is modeled by using ESP-r's advanced optics
module. Three sets of bi-directional window data are included in the file
. Each set corresponds to a double glazing
unit with interior Venetian blinds at slat angles of 0°, 45° and 90°.
New types of complex glazing systems can be added with the help of
The control logic in the present example is implemented in Ptolemy II.
The controller output is an integer that refers to the selected set of window properties.
In this example, the room temperature is the sensor variable.
The previous sections describe two illustrative examples to demonstrate the basic principles of coupling ESP-r with BCVTB. With minor code changes, it is possible to adapt these examples to meet the needs of variations of these cases. Communication between ESP-r and BCVTB was set up in a generic way with the aim of limiting the required code changes in ESP-r. Nevertheless, it is important that you become familiar with ESP-r's source code structure. ESP-r's developers guide provides a good starting point.
The BCVTB settings in ESP-r are declared and initialized in a new header
file, include/bcvtb.h
. The actual calls to the
subroutines for data exchange with BCVTB are
made in esrubps/bmatsv.F
These subroutines can be found in esrubld/bcvtb.F90
The implementation logic is similar to the FORTRAN 90 example,
found in the directory bcvtb/examples/f90-room
Before the first time step the connection gets established. In every subsequent
time step the data exchange takes place, just after completion of
ESP-r's zone loop. The ESP-r to BCVTB coupling makes use of two new
data structures, one for sending (bcvtb_y
) and one
for receiving (bcvtb_u
Both structures are FORTRAN arrays, with the array length equal to
the number of exchanged variables. The task of the developer is to
identify the right location in the code where the variable of
choice is calculated. To enable the exchange of that variable,
you have to add lines with the following structure:
C Receiving variable from BCVTB variable #n = bcvtb_u(n) C Sending variable to BCVTB bcvtb_y(m) = variable #m
In addition, common blocks may be needed to pass the newly created variables between the various subroutines.
It is good practice to enclose BCVTB-related code in conditional
statements with a BCVTBflag
as identifier.
This avoids the risk of unintentional interference with existing code,
and allows ESP-r to run in normal mode if the BCVTBflag
is set to 0. Currently, BCVTBflag=1
and BCVTBflag=2
are in use for the examples given in the previous sections.
New applications shall be given a unique BCVTBflag