Building Controls Virtual Test Bed
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
oCAStructure to keep track of the parent elements
oCadInterfaceMCC.util.ADInterfaceMCCDeviceManager.ADInterfaceMCCApplicationTagEnumeration object, contains all the BACnet application tags specified in ADInterfaceMCC
oCadInterfaceMCC.util.ADInterfaceMCCDeviceManagerThis is the driver class in ADInterfaceMCC
oCadInterfaceMCC.util.ADInterfaceMCCObjectTypeThis class reads the XML configuration file and stores the data in the ADInterfaceMCCObjectType data type
oCbacnet.util.BACnetDeviceManager.BacnetApplicationTagEnumeration object, contains all the BACnet application tags specified in BACnet Standard used in writing property to BACnet device
oCbacnet.util.BACnetDeviceManagerThis is the driver class in BACnet
oCbacnet.util.BACnetObjectThis object stores information of BACnet objects
|\Cbacnet.util.BACnetCompletePropertyThis class is used to create objects that have the information from the xml configuration file
oCbacnet.util.BACnetObjectTypeThis class reads the XML configuration file and stores the data in the BACnetObjectType data type
oCbacnet.util.BACnetPropertyValueThis class stores the BACnet property name and property value array pair
oCbacnet.util.BACnetDeviceManager.BacObjectTypeEnumeration object, contains all the object names specified in BACnet Standard, including BACnet Device Object and non-Device BACnet objects
oCbacnet.util.BACnetDeviceManager.BacPropertyBACnet property enumeration object, contains major properties specified in BACnet Standard, including BACnet Device propety and non Device BACnet Object property
oCDTDValidatorClass to validate xml files
oCGetPathClass to write the path variable on Windows with one argument on each line
|\CDTDValidator.MyErrorHandlerInner class for error handling
|oCadInterfaceMCC.util.ADInterfaceMCCThis is an abstract base class for actors that generates an output stream
|| actor reads from ADInterfaceMCC devices
||\ actor writes to ADInterfaceMCC devices
|\Cbacnet.util.BACnetThis is an abstract base class for actors that generates an output stream
| actor reads from BACnet devices
| \ actor writes to BACnet devices
 oCadInterfaceMCC.util.ADInterfaceMCCThis is an abstract base class for actors that generates an output stream
 \Cbacnet.util.BACnetThis is an abstract base class for actors that generates an output stream