4.4. Command line arguments

To start the BCVTB from a console, type

java -jar ["path_to_bcvtb/bin/"]BCVTB.jar [JVM_options] [BCVTB_options [-parameterName value]]

where JVM_options can be any Java Virtual Machine options (type java -h for available options), and BCVTB_options include:

-file fileName

Open fileName, which must be a Ptolemy II file. The flag -file is optional if fileName is the last parameter.

-run fileName

Open fileName, which must be a Ptolemy II file, run the program, and terminate.

-console fileName

Open fileName, which must be a Ptolemy II file, run the program without opening any windows, and terminate.


Print all environment variables to the console window.

-command program flags

Runs the executable program with the flags flags. Any number of flags are allowed. This allows for example to start a new console that has the same environment variables as any other program started by the BCVTB.

The optional argument -parameterName value are model parameters and their values, such as -endTime 3600. Note that a hyphen must precede the keyword parameterName.

Example 4.1. Examples for command line arguments