Differences between revisions 2 and 69 (spanning 67 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2008-04-23 22:10:59
Size: 301
Revision 69 as of 2010-04-21 02:13:41
Size: 9722
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#acl MichaelWetter:read,write All:read
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The BCVTB release includes the binary files that are compiled for Windows. It also contains source code that can be compiled on Mac OS X, Linux and Windows. Compilation is only required for Mac OS X and Linux.
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Currently, the Building Controls Virtual Test Bed is available for LBNL internal testing.
For download and installation, see:
 * [:DeveloperRequirements: Install source code for developers (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X)]
 * [:InstallationUser: Install compiled version (Windows only)]
To install the BCVTB, proceed as follows:
 1. Follow the [[InstallationUser|user installation instruction]]. This is sufficient for most users.
 1. Next, if you like to develop new code for Ptolemy or for the BCVTB interface, follow the [[InstallationDeveloper|developer installation instruction]].

'''Note for users of Microsoft Internet Explorer:''' Internet Explorer may save the file with the extension {{{.zip}}} instead of {{{.jar}}}. To avoid this, click "Save Target As..." (using the right mouse button) and then enter the name of the installation file, for example, {{{bcvtb-install-0.6.0.jar}}}. (Or use Firefox to avoid this problem.)


== Release 0.6.0 (xxxxx xx, 2010) ==
=== Download ===
 * [[http://gaia.lbl.gov/bcvtb-releases/0.6.0/bcvtb-install-0.6.0.jar|bcvtb-install-0.6.0.jar]]

=== Release notes ===
This version contains the following updates:
 1. For the !EnergyPlus client, the official version of !EnergyPlus 5.0 can be used. !EnergyPlus needs to be downloaded from http://www.energyplus.gov
 1. The example files have been updated to use !EnergyPlus 5.0.
 1. Compilation under Windows 64 bit is now supported.
 1. The Apache Ant build system is now distributed with the BCVTB installation. The installation will be in bcvtb/apache-ant. Existing installations of Apache Ant will not be affected by the BCVTB.
 1. The expat library is included for Windows and Linux. (The default installation of Mac OS X already contains the expat library).

== Release 0.5.1 (February 9, 2010) ==
=== Download ===
 * [[http://gaia.lbl.gov/bcvtb-releases/0.5.1/bcvtb-install-0.5.1.jar|bcvtb-install-0.5.1.jar]]
 * [[http://gaia.lbl.gov/bcvtb-releases/0.5.0/ep-4.0.zip|ep-4.0.zip]] This zip-file requires a password. To obtain the password, email the password of the official !EnergyPlus installation to ZhengweiLi.

=== Release notes ===
This version contains a bug fix that caused a !NullPointerException if the {{{SystemCommand}}} actor is called
from a finite state machine.

== Release 0.5.0 (February 4, 2010) ==
=== Download ===
 * [[http://gaia.lbl.gov/bcvtb-releases/0.5.0/bcvtb-install-0.5.0.jar|bcvtb-install-0.5.0.jar]]
 * [[http://gaia.lbl.gov/bcvtb-releases/0.5.0/ep-4.0.zip|ep-4.0.zip]] This zip-file requires a password. To obtain the password, email the password of the official !EnergyPlus installation to ZhengweiLi.

=== Release notes ===
This version contains the following updates:
 1. Added a compact schedules to the !EnergyPlus interface.
 2. For the !EnergyPlus interface, changed variable names in xml configuration file {{{variables.cfg}}}. The following name changes have been made
    ||dayschedule|| (Replaced by schedule) ||
    || n/a ||schedule||
Note that the new object {{{schedule}}} is similar to the {{{Schedule:Compact}}} in !EnergyPlus and hence should not be used with a {{{Schedule:Week}}}.
 You will have to manually update your files {{{variables.cfg}}} from earlier BCVTB versions.
 2. For the !EnergyPlus interface, changed variable names in idf files. The following name changes have been made
    ||BCVTB || !ExternalInterface ||
    ||!PtolemyLink || !PtolemyServer ||
    ||Schedule:Day:Dynamic|| (replaced by ExternalInterface:Schedule)||
    || n/a ||ExternalInterface:Schedule||
    || n/a ||ExternalInterface:Actuator||
 You will have to manually update your idf files from earlier BCVTB versions. See also [[Configuration/EnergyPlus|Configuration/EnergyPlus]] for how to configure !EnergyPlus.

== Release 0.4.0 (November 5, 2009) ==
=== Download ===
 * [[http://gaia.lbl.gov/bcvtb-releases/0.4.0/bcvtb-install-0.4.0.jar|bcvtb-install-0.4.0.jar]]
 * [[http://gaia.lbl.gov/bcvtb-releases/0.2.0/ep-3.1.zip|ep-3.1.zip]] This zip-file requires a password. It is the same file as the one that is distributed with the BCVTB version 0.2.0. To obtain the password, email the password of the official !EnergyPlus installation to ZhengweiLi.

=== Release notes ===
This version contains the following updates:
 1. Added a new actor called {{{SystemCommand}}} that allows to call any system command from Ptolemy. See the [[Configuration/SystemCommand|example]] for further information.
 1. Added option to start the BCVTB from a java jar file. This allows to start the BCVTB from a file explorer or from a command line with several options. See [[Files/BCVTBJar|Files/BCVTBJar]] for a description.
 1. Added the example {{{examples/dymolaEPlus31-singleZone}}}, in which an air-based HVAC system that is modeled in Modelica is linked to a building model of !EnergyPlus.

== Release 0.3.1 (September 4, 2009) ==
=== Download ===
 * [[http://gaia.lbl.gov/bcvtb-releases/0.3.1/bcvtb-install-0.3.1.jar|bcvtb-install-0.3.1.jar]]
 * [[http://gaia.lbl.gov/bcvtb-releases/0.2.0/ep-3.1.zip|ep-3.1.zip]] This zip-file requires a password. It is the same file as the one that is distributed with the BCVTB version 0.2.0. To obtain the password, email the password of the official !EnergyPlus installation to ZhengweiLi.

=== Release notes ===
This version is a minor update that addresses the following issues:
 1. For the Simulink interface, fixed a bug that prevented the BCVTB library to be displayed in Simulink's library browser.
 1. Fixed compilation problems on Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard).

== Release 0.3.0 (August 24, 2009) ==
=== Download ===
 * [[http://gaia.lbl.gov/bcvtb-releases/0.3.0/bcvtb-install-0.3.0.jar|bcvtb-install-0.3.0.jar]]
 * [[http://gaia.lbl.gov/bcvtb-releases/0.2.0/ep-3.1.zip|ep-3.1.zip]] This zip-file requires a password. It is the same file as the one that is distributed with the BCVTB version 0.2.0. To obtain the password, email the password of the official !EnergyPlus installation to ZhengweiLi.

=== Release notes ===
 1. This version contains a subset of Ptolemy. Users do not need to install their own Ptolemy version.
 1. Cygwin is not required anymore.
 1. In the files {{{variables.cfg}}}, the header needs to look like{{{
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE BCVTB-variables SYSTEM "variables.dtd">
}}}i.e., you need to add the second line to your existing file.
 1. Due to shipping a new Ptolemy version, the files {{{system.xml}}} and {{{system-windows.xml}}} had to be changed. Previous files can be updated by running the following bash script from the {{{examples}}} directory [[attachment:fixModels.sh]].

== Release 0.2.0 (June 30, 2009) ==
=== Download ===
 * [[http://gaia.lbl.gov/bcvtb-releases/0.2.0/bcvtb-install-0.2.0.jar|bcvtb-install-0.2.0.jar]]
 * [[http://gaia.lbl.gov/bcvtb-releases/0.2.0/ep-3.1.zip|ep-3.1.zip]] This zip-file requires a password. To obtain the password, email the password of the official !EnergyPlus installation to ZhengweiLi.

=== Release notes ===
 1. The parameters of the Ptolemy {{{Simulator}}} object changed. To update your files {{{system-windows.xml}}} (or {{{system.xml}}} on Linux or Mac), run from cygwin (or a bash shell) the command
$BCVTB_HOME/bin/updateSystemFiles.sh system-windows.xml}}}
 1. The !EnergyPlus object {{{DAYSCHEDULE:DYNAMIC}}} has been renamed to {{{SCHEDULE:DAY:DYNAMIC}}}.
 1. Due to a change in the parameters of the {{{Simulator}}} object, file names must not be quoted anymore. I.e., in {{{system.xml}}} or in {{{system-windows.xml}}}, change {{{"socket.cfg"}}} to {{{socket.cfg}}}.
 1. The {{{Simulator}}} object now writes the simulation output to a log file (default is {{{simulation.log}}}) and to the console. However, console output is currently only working on Linux and on Mac OS X. The reason is that Ptolemy on Windows is started using {{{javaw}}} which does not write the output stream to the console.
 1. The build system has been changed from Makefiles to Apache Ant. Cygwin is still needed to compile Ptolemy on Windows, but the compilation of the BCVTB does not require cygwin anymore.

== Release 0.1.1 (September 30, 2008) ==
=== Download ===
||Download installation file || [[http://gaia.lbl.gov/bcvtb-releases/0.1.1/bcvtb-install-0.1.1.jar|bcvtb-install-0.1.1.jar]] ||

=== Release notes ===
 1. The [[http://www.energyplus.gov|EnergyPlus]] executable that contains the BCVTB interface is not part of this distribution. To obtain the !EnergyPlus 2.1.0 executable with the BCVTB interface, email a request together with the !EnergyPlus installation password to ZhengweiLi.
 1. Improved reporting to log files by the socket library.
 1. Improved the make files.
 1. This release contains the following bug fixes:
  a. Fixed a buffer overflow in the socket library.
  a. Updated the example in {{{example/timeSync}}} so that it also runs on Windows.

== Release 0.1.0 (July 17, 2008) ==
=== Download ===
||Download installation file || [[http://gaia.lbl.gov/bcvtb-releases/0.1.0/bcvtb-install-0.1.0.jar|bcvtb-install-0.1.0.jar]] ||

=== Release notes ===
 1. The [[http://www.energyplus.gov|EnergyPlus]] executable that contains the BCVTB interface is not part of this distribution. To obtain the !EnergyPlus 2.1.0 executable with the BCVTB interface, email a request together with the !EnergyPlus installation password to ZhengweiLi.
 1. This release compiles and runs fine on Mac OS X and on Linux. On Windows, the example file {{{example/timeSync}}} does not yet work.


The BCVTB release includes the binary files that are compiled for Windows. It also contains source code that can be compiled on Mac OS X, Linux and Windows. Compilation is only required for Mac OS X and Linux.

To install the BCVTB, proceed as follows:

  1. Follow the user installation instruction. This is sufficient for most users.

  2. Next, if you like to develop new code for Ptolemy or for the BCVTB interface, follow the developer installation instruction.

Note for users of Microsoft Internet Explorer: Internet Explorer may save the file with the extension .zip instead of .jar. To avoid this, click "Save Target As..." (using the right mouse button) and then enter the name of the installation file, for example, bcvtb-install-0.6.0.jar. (Or use Firefox to avoid this problem.)

1. Release 0.6.0 (xxxxx xx, 2010)

1.1. Download

1.2. Release notes

This version contains the following updates:

  1. For the EnergyPlus client, the official version of EnergyPlus 5.0 can be used. EnergyPlus needs to be downloaded from http://www.energyplus.gov

  2. The example files have been updated to use EnergyPlus 5.0.

  3. Compilation under Windows 64 bit is now supported.
  4. The Apache Ant build system is now distributed with the BCVTB installation. The installation will be in bcvtb/apache-ant. Existing installations of Apache Ant will not be affected by the BCVTB.
  5. The expat library is included for Windows and Linux. (The default installation of Mac OS X already contains the expat library).

2. Release 0.5.1 (February 9, 2010)

2.1. Download

2.2. Release notes

This version contains a bug fix that caused a NullPointerException if the SystemCommand actor is called from a finite state machine.

3. Release 0.5.0 (February 4, 2010)

3.1. Download

3.2. Release notes

This version contains the following updates:

  1. Added a compact schedules to the EnergyPlus interface.

  2. For the EnergyPlus interface, changed variable names in xml configuration file variables.cfg. The following name changes have been made

    • old



      (Replaced by schedule)



Note that the new object schedule is similar to the Schedule:Compact in EnergyPlus and hence should not be used with a Schedule:Week.

  • You will have to manually update your files variables.cfg from earlier BCVTB versions.

  • For the EnergyPlus interface, changed variable names in idf files. The following name changes have been made

    • old







      (replaced by ExternalInterface:Schedule)





    You will have to manually update your idf files from earlier BCVTB versions. See also Configuration/EnergyPlus for how to configure EnergyPlus.

4. Release 0.4.0 (November 5, 2009)

4.1. Download

  • bcvtb-install-0.4.0.jar

  • ep-3.1.zip This zip-file requires a password. It is the same file as the one that is distributed with the BCVTB version 0.2.0. To obtain the password, email the password of the official EnergyPlus installation to ZhengweiLi.

4.2. Release notes

This version contains the following updates:

  1. Added a new actor called SystemCommand that allows to call any system command from Ptolemy. See the example for further information.

  2. Added option to start the BCVTB from a java jar file. This allows to start the BCVTB from a file explorer or from a command line with several options. See Files/BCVTBJar for a description.

  3. Added the example examples/dymolaEPlus31-singleZone, in which an air-based HVAC system that is modeled in Modelica is linked to a building model of EnergyPlus.

5. Release 0.3.1 (September 4, 2009)

5.1. Download

  • bcvtb-install-0.3.1.jar

  • ep-3.1.zip This zip-file requires a password. It is the same file as the one that is distributed with the BCVTB version 0.2.0. To obtain the password, email the password of the official EnergyPlus installation to ZhengweiLi.

5.2. Release notes

This version is a minor update that addresses the following issues:

  1. For the Simulink interface, fixed a bug that prevented the BCVTB library to be displayed in Simulink's library browser.
  2. Fixed compilation problems on Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard).

6. Release 0.3.0 (August 24, 2009)

6.1. Download

  • bcvtb-install-0.3.0.jar

  • ep-3.1.zip This zip-file requires a password. It is the same file as the one that is distributed with the BCVTB version 0.2.0. To obtain the password, email the password of the official EnergyPlus installation to ZhengweiLi.

6.2. Release notes

  1. This version contains a subset of Ptolemy. Users do not need to install their own Ptolemy version.
  2. Cygwin is not required anymore.
  3. In the files variables.cfg, the header needs to look like

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <!DOCTYPE BCVTB-variables SYSTEM "variables.dtd">
    i.e., you need to add the second line to your existing file.
  4. Due to shipping a new Ptolemy version, the files system.xml and system-windows.xml had to be changed. Previous files can be updated by running the following bash script from the examples directory fixModels.sh.

7. Release 0.2.0 (June 30, 2009)

7.1. Download

7.2. Release notes

  1. The parameters of the Ptolemy Simulator object changed. To update your files system-windows.xml (or system.xml on Linux or Mac), run from cygwin (or a bash shell) the command

    $BCVTB_HOME/bin/updateSystemFiles.sh system-windows.xml
  2. The EnergyPlus object DAYSCHEDULE:DYNAMIC has been renamed to SCHEDULE:DAY:DYNAMIC.

  3. Due to a change in the parameters of the Simulator object, file names must not be quoted anymore. I.e., in system.xml or in system-windows.xml, change "socket.cfg" to socket.cfg.

  4. The Simulator object now writes the simulation output to a log file (default is simulation.log) and to the console. However, console output is currently only working on Linux and on Mac OS X. The reason is that Ptolemy on Windows is started using javaw which does not write the output stream to the console.

  5. The build system has been changed from Makefiles to Apache Ant. Cygwin is still needed to compile Ptolemy on Windows, but the compilation of the BCVTB does not require cygwin anymore.

8. Release 0.1.1 (September 30, 2008)

8.1. Download

Download installation file


8.2. Release notes

  1. The EnergyPlus executable that contains the BCVTB interface is not part of this distribution. To obtain the EnergyPlus 2.1.0 executable with the BCVTB interface, email a request together with the EnergyPlus installation password to ZhengweiLi.

  2. Improved reporting to log files by the socket library.
  3. Improved the make files.
  4. This release contains the following bug fixes:
    1. Fixed a buffer overflow in the socket library.
    2. Updated the example in example/timeSync so that it also runs on Windows.

9. Release 0.1.0 (July 17, 2008)

9.1. Download

Download installation file


9.2. Release notes

  1. The EnergyPlus executable that contains the BCVTB interface is not part of this distribution. To obtain the EnergyPlus 2.1.0 executable with the BCVTB interface, email a request together with the EnergyPlus installation password to ZhengweiLi.

  2. This release compiles and runs fine on Mac OS X and on Linux. On Windows, the example file example/timeSync does not yet work.

bcvtb: Download (last edited 2016-04-22 17:11:50 by ThierryNouidui)